TotalChem is a chemical sourcing, logistics, blending and packaging company aimed at delivering second-to-none service to our customers. Our relentless focus on a simple, efficient and stress-free process will always be the key to our success. Our employees constantly look for ways to provide unparalleled value by getting the right product to the right place at the right time. Every time. It is what makes us tick.
TotalChem will build and grow through a solid mastery of both technical and commercial knowledge in every market it serves. We will anticipate our customers’ needs and be prepared to meet them.
We want our customers to be our biggest fans.
We want to feel good about the work we do.
We want to be well respected in the community.
Safety is not a program or a process, it is a value. It is part of our DNA.
No skimping.
On-time. Period.
You be the judge.